A Guidebook of Babel

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Release Date: 08/04/2023

A Guidebook of BabelA Guidebook of BabelA Guidebook of BabelA Guidebook of BabelA Guidebook of BabelA Guidebook of BabelA Guidebook of BabelA Guidebook of BabelA Guidebook of BabelA Guidebook of BabelA Guidebook of Babel

You are now onboard Babel, a giant cruise tasked with leading you to the afterlife. Take this guide with you to help navigate your new surroundings. But first, in order to properly welcome you onboard, the crew will first discharge your memories and power up the Giant Boiler to prepare for departure!

  • Themes:
    • Fantasy
    • Comedy
    • Drama
    • Romance
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
  • Game Engines

      No game engines

You wake up to find yourself on the Babel - a cruise ship sailing into the afterlife. On this journey, uncover secrets and solve quests by rewriting the past to change destinies...where will it lead you? Perhaps reincarnation?