Chicory: A Colorful Tale

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Release Date: 06/11/2021

Chicory: A Colorful TaleChicory: A Colorful TaleChicory: A Colorful TaleChicory: A Colorful TaleChicory: A Colorful Tale

The Brush is a one-of-a-kind artifact that can color the world. Naturally, it needs a wielder, a master artist responsible for all colors and for passing the brush down. The current wielder, Chicory, is immensely talented and beloved by all... until all the color in the land vanishes, and her with it! I guess that leaves it up to you, her number one fan, to take up the brush and fill in for her. Hmm... good luck!

Something terrible happened. Chicory, superstar artist and wielder of the Brush, is missing, and all the color in the land vanished with her. It’s up to you, Chicory’s number one fan, to pick up the Brush and fill in for her. It’s a big job… but you’re ready for it! Probably!

  • Themes:
    • Action
    • Fantasy
    • Sandbox
    • Kids
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
    • Multiplayer
    • Co-operative
  • Game Engines
    • GameMaker Studio 2

Chicory: A Colorful Tale is an adventure game about a dog wielding a magic paintbrush! Use the power of art to explore, solve puzzles, help your animal friends and restore color to the world.