History of Meme Essence

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Release Date: 12/16/2023

History of Meme EssenceHistory of Meme EssenceHistory of Meme EssenceHistory of Meme EssenceHistory of Meme Essence

Upon awakening, Meme Essence learned that Bebe the Ram had seized power in the Meme Kingdom. This caused many memes to be distorted and the kingdom to decline. The player, in the role of Meme Essence, needs to defeat Bebe the Ram and restore the prosperity of the kingdom.

  • Themes:
    • Action
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
  • Game Engines
    • Unreal Engine 5

Hardcore platformer, challenging gameplay. The game tells the story of the Meme Essence, which was awakened after Bebe the Ram seized power in the kingdom.