
Looking for the latest Medievalien release date? Our site has all the info you need! Stay up-to-date on Medievalien release date, gameplay, trailers, and reviews. We keep you informed on the most anticipated games of the year so you never miss out. Whether you're a die-hard fan or curious about the latest games, our site has everything you need to know. Visit us today and stay ahead of the game!

Release Date: 02/12/2021


Nobody seems to know why the aliens came to earth: is it for conquest? Food? Slavery? Theft?

An unexpected help from a powerful wizard and his magic will assist your quest on solving these and many other riddles.

Will magic withstand the incredible power of the technologically developed alien race?

  • Themes:
    • Action
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
  • Game Engines
    • Unity

Medievalien is a story-rich action rogue-like where a fantasy Medieval world has been invaded by Alien creatures. Use multiple characters, gather loot and manage your equipment to overcome ever harder challenges and unravel Medievalien's story and its secrets.