Mistress of Maids

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Release Date: Invalid date

Mistress of MaidsMistress of MaidsMistress of MaidsMistress of MaidsMistress of MaidsMistress of MaidsMistress of MaidsMistress of MaidsMistress of MaidsMistress of MaidsMistress of Maids

Turn-based, but fast-paced, roguelike-game when you do not need to think over each turn and count the HP. If you see the weak - kill him! And if you see a strong man - run away, or think how to defeat him and earn experience and money. Dispose of the received money and experience wisely and then you will surely receive the favor of Mistress of Maids.

  • Themes:

      No themes

  • Game Modes
    • Single player
  • Game Engines

      No game engines