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Release Date: 04/03/2024


"Savior" is the first independent videogame created entirely in Cuba. It is an animated 2D platformer that utilizes timing mechanics and other experimental elements more similar to non-games and other less commercial aspects of videogames. The story begins when your protagonist, a "Little God," awakes a strange dream to discover that his world is disappearing. From here begins a frantic search through eight levels, where you try at any cost to find the Creator of the Universe, "The Great God," with the sole purpose of saving your home. But on your way, you very soon discover that you are but an character in an unfinished story, and all the reality around you is only a segment of a colossal game is beginning to collapse. On this idea, that reality is nothing but a fiction, "Savior" creates an experience where the user will be constantly faced with atypical and surprising situations. We wish to give players the most personal and emotional game possible, and every day we’re working hard at the completion of this project.

  • Themes:
    • Action
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
  • Game Engines

      No game engines