Skellboy Refractured

Looking for the latest Skellboy Refractured release date? Our site has all the info you need! Stay up-to-date on Skellboy Refractured release date, gameplay, trailers, and reviews. We keep you informed on the most anticipated games of the year so you never miss out. Whether you're a die-hard fan or curious about the latest games, our site has everything you need to know. Visit us today and stay ahead of the game!

Release Date: 01/14/2021

Skellboy RefracturedSkellboy RefracturedSkellboy RefracturedSkellboy RefracturedSkellboy RefracturedSkellboy Refractured

The PC Version will include our ultimate Skellboy Refractured Edition which will add a ton of content updates to the game:

- Local two player Co-Op Mode for everything the game has to offer! (Also playable over the internet with Steam Remote Play Together!)

- A brand new Randomized Dungeon!

- Massive New Game+ Mode with new Items, enemies and challenges!

- 20+ New Items with special effects and a ton of Gameplay improvements!

  • Themes:
    • Action
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
  • Game Engines

      No game engines

Play as Skippy, the square, flexible skeleton in this cute Action-RPG, to keep a heartbroken court magician from destroying the world with his army of monsters and undead! Change out your body parts with those of enemies and friends and become the hero of Cubold Kingdom!