Terror of Hemasaurus

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Release Date: 10/18/2022

Terror of HemasaurusTerror of HemasaurusTerror of HemasaurusTerror of HemasaurusTerror of HemasaurusTerror of HemasaurusTerror of HemasaurusTerror of HemasaurusTerror of HemasaurusTerror of HemasaurusTerror of HemasaurusTerror of Hemasaurus

Earth is on the brink of a climate catastrophe! The Church of the Holy Lizard hatches a dubious plan to save humanity from its own reckless disregard of the planet – unleash a monster to kill, destroy, and inflict terror!

  • Themes:
    • Action
    • Science fiction
    • Comedy
  • Game Modes
    • Single player
    • Multiplayer
    • Co-operative
  • Game Engines

      No game engines

A retro city smash 'em up with satisfying destruction physics. Play as a Giant Monster unleashing terror upon mankind in this modern arcade experience with the action turned up to eleven.